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Stadtverband Fußball Dresden e.V.

Feldschlößchen is a sponsor of the Stadtverband Fußball Dresden e.V. and is the name sponsor of the “Feldschlößchen-Stadtliga” in Dresden.

Logo Stadtverband Fußball Dresden e.V.

The Stadtverband Fußball Dresden e.V. (SVFD) is an association of football clubs and football departments of clubs, with the aim of promoting and spreading the sport of football on an exclusively non-profit basis. The club promotes and develops the organized practice of football. The guiding principle here is the orientation towards the values ​​of fairness and voluntariness, tolerance and solidarity. The focus is on direct support for all sports clubs in Dresden that operate or promote football.

Feldschlößchen has supported Dresden football for many years and acts as the name sponsor for the highest leisure league in Dresden - the Feldschlößchen city league.

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