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Feldschlößchen in point of sale

Find your favorite beers at a point of sale near you.

Simply click on the desired variety(s), enter your desired zip code and select the appropriate retailer.
Here you will find a detailed list of the individual retailers' product ranges. Please note that this may differ from the actual range on site.*

Which beer(s) would you like to buy?

If you select multiple products, the stores which have all selected products in their range will be displayed.


Feldschlößchen Traditional

Feldschlößchen Specialties

Feldschlößchen Mixx

Feldschlößchen seasonal beer

(only available during a certain period)

Dresdner Felsenkeller

Dresdner Felsenkeller




Can't find a point of sale near you?
Here you can find our delivery services and online shop.

*Note: Feldschlößchen AG does not guarantee the actual range available at the shown stores. Our retailer are independent companies and define the range of products they offer independently. We therefore ask you to contact your selected store directly to find out whether the desired products are in stock at the relevant time. Our trading partners may be able to order the desired products for you if it is currently not in stock.